Friday, September 24, 2010

Love a Local Business!

Please vote for JMChance Photography as a Loved Local Business!! <3
Just click on the add comment below ~ Thanks!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Will Your Grandchildren Be Very Upset With You?

Author: Fred Molesworth, Salem, Oregon

I’m willing to bet your grandchildren will be upset with you. Here’s why. Imagine, 50 years from now, as your grandchildren or great grandchildren are going through the boxes in the attic. They are enthralled with the treasures and keepsakes they find and how they tie into the story of your life.

Amongst all the old items, they find a number of round silver objects. Some have writing on them, some are blank, but they resemble some kind of a small platter about 4″ across, with a hole in the middle.

Puzzled, they take them to their parents. “What are these, Mom?” they ask. “Oh, I think those are all of grandma’s photographs. Yep, here’s one labeled ‘My Wedding’. Here’s some more labeled ‘Family Photos,’ and some more labeled ‘Vacations’.”

“How do we look at them?” they ask.

“Well, I’m not sure we can. First of all, no one has the device that reads these anymore. Besides that, I doubt after all these years that they’re any good anymore. Being stored in the attic, the heat and cold probably ruined them.”

The kids are very disappointed. Nowhere amongst all the treasures are any actual prints. All that history is lost. Their connection with the past and all the wonderful stories that might have gone along with all those photographs are gone as well.

Along with all the wonders of our digital age come some significant problems that most people have never thought of.

Did you know that over 90% of all images taken on today’s digital cameras are NEVER PRINTED? I’m guilty of that myself. I have gigabytes of personal photographs that have never been seen other than on a computer screen.

In the old days, film went to the lab and everything that was printable was printed. Even if it was a bad photograph, it still was a hard copy, a part of your family history and it had permanence. Even if they never went in an album, they at least went into a box, to be discovered as treasures years later.

The same problem exists in professional portrait studios today. Many people are simply asking for the images on CD. “I’ll print them later” or “I’ll design my own wedding album” are common phrases. Usually this is done with the thought that they’ll save some money by doing it themselves.

But you know what? Most never make it into any kind of an album. Life gets busy and 20 years later they’ll be looking for some way to read those disks.

I bring this up only to point out the importance of what we, as a professional studio do. Our job is not just to create the images, to create wonderful story telling photographs about the people in front of our camera; it’s to create a final product, whether it be a professionally retouched and printed single image, a family heirloom wall portrait, or an incredible storybook album using a collection of the images that were created.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a wedding, a newborn baby, a senior or a family. Having the final product created for you is important. To do less is to leave the job half done and to short change the customer.

So, if you’re asked for a disk with all the images “so I can print them later”, that’s fine, just make sure your customers understand that if not printed, the conversation their grandchildren will want to have about their family history may never be able to happen.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Leave Me

You never know when this moment may be the last...

when was the last time you stopped to make a memory last a lifetime ?!?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Followers ... I love ya!

Thru Networked Blogs, I have several followers. Which I LOVE!

I am trying to keep all forms of social media flowing and running smoothly but it is hard to reach everyone that would benefit from my photography services.

I was wondering if you lovely followers could help me out and refer some of your friends to my blog, facebook/website. Some of you are clients and friends, some of you are interested in my photography art and some are new ... I am glad you are all here and would love the opportunity to share with some of your friends too!

thanks in advance :) 

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Break: Errand Day

So even though it is spring break, today is a very busy day with chores, errands and sessions. The kids are self entertaining today with  TV shows/movies, Wii and x-box games and then there is always the internet and youtube...

Sorry not tips or activities but self entertainment or as we referred to it as kids, the old term ... imagination :)

Really wishing for more sun on Funday ... Friday ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Where does the time go?

You meet someone, fall in love & get married. Next comes a pet then a baby or two and before you know they are off to school, dating and college. Where does the time go? How many memories are you keeping?

Start a new family tradition:
A great family tradition (besides portraits of course) is a Memory Box. It is great simple way to record daily memories. Now, I am not talking waiting til new years eve and trying to remember what you did that year. The Memory Box is 5 minutes or less daily thing. Kind of like keeping a journal but for the whole family.

How to get started:
The supplies are simply a jumbo index or photo storage box and some index cards to fit the box. You can make them simple or color coded by year or family member. Just as long as you do it often. A different box per year could be good too. The boxes easily fit on a shelf or in a closet when done.

Everyday when your family is together, write a few sentences about what everyone did that day on the index card. You could include snapshots or photos or articles in the school or local paper too! There are tabbed cards available at the office supply store too (you could get either the month tabs or blank to write in your own time frames. Remember to write the date on the card :)

Another fun twist would be to re-use the index cards. By using the cards from the previous year, you can re-read previous years memories. When the card for a certain day is full, start a new one and file it next to the original. It will be fun to see from year to year what each day brings.

Encouraging Group Participation:

All the family can take part. To encourage small kids, ask them the favorite part of their day. Another way they can be part is to record any milestones they did that day (Example: "Tommy slept through the night!"). Also include the adults activities also (ex: "mommy went to a bridal shower" or "daddy build a tree house").

The right time:

With today's busy families, not everyone has dinner together but there is usually a time when everyone is together. Dinner or just after dinner is usually best but if you can 't make it then or on a certain day, you can jot the day's entry down at breakfast or lunch the next day.

It is something you family will find easy and simple to do. Once started, you may find the kids MAKING time for it to happen or reminding you when it is forgotten. Kids love family time and special memories too. The mind fades and life gets busy ... this only takes a few moments :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break 2010: Rainy Day Activities

Rain, Rain go away and come back another day ...

The Michigan weather sure has changed since the beginning of Spring Break :(

What to do on a boring rainy day...crafts of course! Here is a great link with many different kinds and age level crafts. Enjoy! (an if all else fails do a little singing in the rain performance ;p)