Saturday, April 3, 2010

What color are your Easter Eggs?

So here we are at the start of Spring Break and Easter is near :) In years past, we have been too much on the go to color eggs. I realized how much the kids really miss doing this...

When I was kid age, there were 3 or 4 tablets and a whole lot of vinegar. The only choice was PAAS and was like 25 cents or something (Remember the "5 & Dime" stores ~ where things were really less than a dollar ;) no I am not really THAT old but I have heard stories, giggle.)

Then came the fancier kits with sparkles or stickers. Some had lots of little animal or people 'holders'. Then there were the 'shrinkie' sleeves (just slide over egg then use hot/boiling water to shrink the sleeve onto the egg).

Off to the world wide web I went in search of ideas. The Chance family does it right or not at all! Here is a good sized collection of egg decorating ideas.  Searching suggestions to use would be Easter Eggs, Decorating eggs, or Coloring/Dying eggs. The options are only as limited as one's mind. Certainly a creative time that every kids should experience.  I do have to say it was much more fun as a kid than as a parent. Clean up was always the parent's job :(  

Then what do you do with all the hard boiled eggs?!? Eat egg salad for a week straight?!? Many years just enough eggs are boiled for Deviled Eggs for the Eater Meal. Here is one different recipe for a Breakfast Burrito Panini that might make the menu this year. 

We have an extended family member allergic to eggs.  That makes meal a little different but still doable. This year the little one is getting Jello Jiggler "eggs" and maybe a new item this year, Jello Beans (if we can find a candy "bean" mold in time).

Feel free to share your ideas on decorating, cleaning, or eating of all those Easter Eggs in the comments section below ... Hoppy Easter to all <3
